Record breaking 2019
Year 2019 can be one of the most successful years in Suerteksa history.
Number of employees has reached a level of 268 people. During the year it has increased by more than 80 people or approx. 40 %. Most of them are pipe fitters and locksmith installation specialists.
Suerteksa has reached its strategic task to have 3 major customers in 3 different countries: France, Germany and Finland. Apart of traditional segment in shipbuilding, the company continued to diversify its activities and have several small but promising projects in oil&gas segment, as well as in renewable energy industry.
Own production in Klaipeda has also record-breaking year. Suerteksa produced more than 500 tons of steel structures for civil-construction and shipbuilding purpose. New market has been also opened in 2019 – production of aluminum parts. A lot of non-standard products have been made in machining workshop.
Management of the company look forward into new 2020 year and wish Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all its customers and suppliers !
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